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Thursday 18 July 2019

Classes or types of web pages

Classes or types of web pages
What is a web page?
To give a short definition, we can say that it is a file (file) or electronic document capable of containing different types of information such as text and images, click to enlarge definition.
Classes or types of web pages

Main elements of a web page
  • Text
  • Images
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Hyperlinks

Types of web pages according to their construction

We usually classify two (2) forms the pages of a website or the website in general, which are:
  • Static
  • Dynamics
Static web pages:
It is called static pages because its content does not change, which means that it is created with a specific content and it is not modified, the most common extension for this type of pages is the .html
Dynamic web pages:
It is called dynamic pages because its content varies according to the query of the user to the server, since the information to be displayed is stored in a database. Nowadays this type of pages is one of the most common, due to the great advantages in saving resources and time.
It is also very important that we know their prices and the why? of your value, that's why we invite you to consult your costs.

Types of web pages according to the technology used

To classify the types of web pages in this category in a clear and concise way, we will be in three (3) subcategories:
  • HTML
  • Flash.
  • Server language.
Pages in HTML
They are static pages which are designed in markup language, we can also consider that this type of language or code is the most common and easy to learn. As a great advantage we have with this type of web pages is its easy implementation and design.
Pages in Flash
They are animated pages and are usually used with very colorful designs, this type of design is not very pleasing for search engines especially Google ™ because as it is not text the robot (Googlebot or spider) that analyzes the pages will not know about What is the theme of the web page?
Pages in server language
They are dynamic pages with a great capacity, and as we mentioned earlier this type of pages is the most common. One of the most used languages ​​is PHP, and it is also good to mention the strength of the union of PHP and Ajax.
We could also apply a category to the types of web pages according to their object or field of application, but this would already be like a division of the above seen.

Types of websites

Personal: as the name says, are websites where the themes of a person or the theme of a group are expressed.
Blog: It is commonly known as blogs, where articles referring to a market segment are published.
Forums: They are a website for debate or dialogue, where questions are asked and the members respond.
E-commerce: These are sites dedicated to the sale of products and / or services, usually known as online stores.
Directories: You could say that they are like virtual catalogs, that show hyperlinks to other web pages.
Institutional or corporate: Are the sites built to give a particular brand projection.
Spam: So the sites that are built to position other sites, your information has no value.
It is clear that we must know before purchasing the web design service to what kind or type of web pages it belongs and how we can get the most out of it, since from our perspective it is useful to have a website that does not produce satisfactory results.

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